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Generate a faceted plot of population trajectories by province/state. Only possible if indices created by generate_indices() include the prov_state region. All geofacet plots have one facet per state/province, so if there are multiple strata per facet, these can be plotted as separate trajectories within each facet (multiple = TRUE).


  ci_width = 0.95,
  multiple = FALSE,
  trends = NULL,
  slope = FALSE,
  add_observed_means = FALSE,
  col_viridis = FALSE



List. Indices generated by generate_indices().


Numeric. Quantile defining the width of the plotted credible interval. Defaults to 0.95 (lower = 0.025 and upper = 0.975). Note these quantiles need to have been precalculated in generate_indices().


Logical. Whether to plot multiple strata-level trajectories within each prov/state facet. Default FALSE.


List. (Optional) Output generated by generate_trends(). If included trajectories are coloured based on the same colour scale used in plot_map.


Logical. If trends included, whether colours in the plot should be based on slope trends. Default FALSE.


Logical. Whether to include points indicating the observed mean counts. Default FALSE. Note: scale of observed means and annual indices may not match due to imbalanced sampling among routes.


Logical. Should the colour-blind-friendly "viridis" palette be used. Default FALSE.


ggplot object

See also

Other indices and trends functions: generate_indices(), generate_trends(), plot_indices(), plot_map()


# Using the example model for Pacific Wrens...

# Generate indices
i <- generate_indices(pacific_wren_model,
                      regions = c("stratum", "prov_state"))
#> Processing region stratum
#> Processing region prov_state
# Generate trends
t <- generate_trends(i)

# Now make the geofacet plot.
plot_geofacet(i, trends = t, multiple = TRUE)

plot_geofacet(i, trends = t, multiple = TRUE, col_viridis = TRUE)

plot_geofacet(i, multiple = TRUE)

plot_geofacet(i, trends = t, multiple = FALSE)

plot_geofacet(i, multiple = FALSE)

# With different ci_width, specify desired quantiles in indices
i <- generate_indices(pacific_wren_model,
                      regions = c("stratum", "prov_state"),
                      quantiles = c(0.005, 0.995))
#> Processing region stratum
#> Processing region prov_state

plot_geofacet(i, multiple = FALSE, ci_width = 0.99)