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plot_map() allows you to generate a colour-coded map of the percent change in species trends for each strata.


  slope = FALSE,
  title = TRUE,
  alternate_column = NULL,
  col_viridis = FALSE,
  strata_custom = NULL,
  zoom_range = TRUE


List. Trends generated by generate_trends().


Logical. Whether or not to map values of the alternative trend metric (slope of a log-linear regression) if slope = TRUE was used in generate_trends(), through the annual indices. Default FALSE.


Logical. Whether or not to include a title with species. Default TRUE.


Character, Optional name of numerical column in trends dataframe to plot. If one of the columns with "trend" in the title, (e.g., trend_q_0.05 then the colour scheme and breaks will match those used in the default trend maps)


Logical. Should the colour-blind-friendly "viridis" palette be used. Default FALSE.


(sf) Data Frame. Data frame of modified existing stratification, or a sf spatial data frame with polygons defining the custom stratifications. See details on strata_custom in stratify().


Logical. When TRUE (default) zooms into region of the map where trend data are available. If FALSE, map extends out to cover all of the stratification map. Zoom-in uses ggplot2::coord_sf()


a ggplot2 plot

See also

Other indices and trends functions: generate_indices(), generate_trends(), plot_geofacet(), plot_indices()


# Using the example model for Pacific Wrens...

# Generate the continental and stratum indices
i <- generate_indices(pacific_wren_model)
#> Processing region continent
#> Processing region stratum

# Now generate trends
t <- generate_trends(i, slope = TRUE)

# Generate the map (without slope trends)

# Generate the map (with slope trends)
plot_map(t, slope = TRUE)

# Viridis
plot_map(t, col_viridis = TRUE)

# Generate a map (with alternate column - lower 95% Credible limit)
plot_map(t, alternate_column = "trend_q_0.05")